How to choose the right Anti-Aging Cream or Product? (Part 1)

Since we have started this blog, we have had numbers of emails how to choose the right anti-aging cream or product. That’s why we have decided to answer FAQ every month.

The best anti-aging cream or the best anti-aging product doesn’t exist. Simply because every human being and every skin-type differs from each other. If you search the internet you will probably find fake reviews about manufactures trying to promote there own stuff. The biggest problem is that everyone claims that his or her anti-aging product is the best.

Today we will give you 5 tips to choose YOUR best anti-aging cream.

1) Never believe any website that is claiming the best anti-aging cream, anti-aging serum or any anti-aging product. Always do your own research.

2) Define your skin-type, or let a therapist do it for you. A good therapist needs to know about any dryness, secretions or rough patches before deciding which creams will help. Do you have a sensitive skin (buy a fragrance free one), an oily skin (don’t buy a greasy one), do you have acne (buy one that will let your skin “breath”) etc.

3) Your age; very important. A 21 year old men needs an other wrinkle cream than a 72 year old lady for instance.

4) Don’t let the price-tag affect your choice. An expensive wrinkle cream is not always better. Some expensive wrinkle creams we have tested belong in a 1-dollar-store. Always remember L’Oreal’s slogan; you may be worth it…. but most anti-aging creams aren’t.

5)  Don’t believe the hype. A skin cream manufacturer has to come up with new ideas and ingredients to make you buy there newest product. They will always claim that there newest product is “revolutionary”. Look at the facts; is there an independent  research done?

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