Healthy Christmas Snacks

Jeeeej it’s Christmas, watching Home Alone with healthy snacks is my favorite thing to do right now.

It seems like foods are taking a relevant place in our lives during this month, no wonder why. Pastries, fat, salt and sugar can become addictive at this time, portions of food are also more generous and there are plenty of snacks, candies and opportunities to eat something due the holidays. How to deal with that? There are several strategies but one that really works for me is to carry my own snack to eat them between foods, this snacks are designed to keep me away from food, have an excuse to not eat all what people is offering to me but must important, their ingredients are the right ones since they contribute to provide that sensation of being satisfied, provide me good fat so my body does not crave for it and also help me to clean my body for the toxins I might get for those little bits and pieces I get from the ¨all around available food¨.

The whole idea here is to keep control of what you eat the most you can.

My best one is to bake an asparagus and white eggs quiche and take one or two slices with me as a healthy and tasty snack, good thing about it is that you can keep the lefts in the fridge for future days. Want to know how to prepare it and why is this the right option? Not a problem since today we are putting our hands on both matters.

How to prepare this tremendous and healthy snack? Quite simple, just get the ingredients and be ready to stay about 40 minutes at your kitchen, but for a good reason, stay young and healthy.

Ingredients are: 1 cup of white eggs, 2 little asparagus bundles, 20 gr of ghee (clarified butter), 50 ml of skimmed milk, 100 gr of feta cheese, 5 gr of black pepper, 10 gr of salt and 450 ml of sparkling water; next step is to blanch the asparagus and some cloves of garlics finely chopped and set aside, beat the egg whites along with the skimmed milk, add the salt, the black pepper and the asparagus with garlics, heat the ghee in a pan and add the mixture of white eggs and feta cheese with all the other ingredients, cook at low temperature until the borders are golden brown and once the center is soft, and then remove the pan from the heat, finally cut it in 7 slices.

This snack will help your bones, feta cheese is a good source of calcium; will detox you system, asparagus are diuretic; will nourish your skin, white eggs provide vitamin E; will aid your digestive process, ghee stimulates the secretion of gastric acid (weight loss); will hydrate you, milk quickly replenishes the electrolytes in the body; garlics and black pepper are plenty of benefits for your health but in this case will also add a sophisticated taste… so the only thing you need to do is to enjoy and keep the secret.

Happy Healthy Christmas!

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