Make your own powerful healthy Chinese lunch

Today we will teach you how to make your own powerful healthy Chinese lunch. It is one of those all in one dishes. It has everything we need, complex carbohydrate, vegetables, and protein. It is a straightforward and practical recipe which I personally love, because when I have a busy week and that I can complicate with the preparation of lunch, I turn to this dish, because I do more and I refrigerate it, I indeed love repeating the menu, as it is fabulous and relieves me a lot! It is also very practical for people who should take lunch to work.

Ingredients: Five stems of green onion (chives), One large onion, 3 cups of brown rice, 3 chicken breast, One packet of soybean sprouts, Soy sauce, Low sodium salt and Six egg whites.

First, we prepare the rice as we normally do, only for each cup of brown rice I put 3 cups of water, and it is perfect. Finely chop the onion and cook it in a large skillet or a wok sauté without oil. When they are already transparent, we add the chicken that we cook, and we cut previously, and we leave until is browned a little, soon we add the rice, and we revolve.

Let’s add soy sauce until the mixture takes color if we see that the preparation is a bit simple adjust with a little low salt sodium. Finally, we add the soybean sprouts, and we let it cook constantly stirring.

In a frying pan, apart we prepare an omelet with only the egg yolks and let cool. Once cooled, cut into small squares and add to the rice preparation, stir well and serve.

As you can see is a simple, practical, complete and healthy recipe. For example, I prepare the rice and the chicken a day before and after the rest of the preparation is a matter of only 15 maximum 20 minutes.

I personally change the chicken for pieces of breaded eggplant, sometimes I use some chicken and some breaded eggplant, another little variation is that instead of using salt I like to use Kelp seaweed in powder, curcumin and some black pepper.

I like to drink with this an orange juice mixed with some ginseng extract and one duck egg, it’s a powerful energizer, is up to you to apply this variations and include my version with drink and all. Dessert: Eyes´ Dragon (rambutan or liche).

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