The Anti-Aging Secrets of Jennifer Lopez

Drake posted a picture this week with Jennifer Lopez, you would swear they are the same age if you didn’t knew them.

Undoubtedly on more than one occasion we want to look like the famous Jennifer Lopez, with her fascinating body and skin, we have the famous singer Jennifer Lopez who is 40+ and has an exotic skin, but what we want to know is what is Jennifer Lopez doing to look younger than she is.

In this article, I will show you the secrets of Jennifer Lopez to look younger. When someone asked her what is she doing that is making her look healthier she mentioned that getting away from alcohol and tanning are ways we can take care of our skin. Of course, we will see more deeply her Anti-Aging secrets.

Tanning: at first glance, we can say that tanning is a perfect way to have a shiny and perfect skin but although the tan is something that we all like it is crucial to be very careful with it. Remember that when we expose ourselves to the sun for a long time could be harmful so avoid to expose your skin too much to the sun.

Some of the undesired results of overexposing your skin to the sun are:

  • Decomposition of the flexibility of the skin, which leads to aging.
  • Dehydration of the skin, which results in dry skin.
  • The increase in the appearance of freckles.
  • We might reach the point of insolation and burns up to the second degree can appear as well as stains on the skin.

Now we know why JLO avoids tanning and has that perfect skin. But how we can prevent sun´s rays? It does not need to be expensive or out of our reach, with simple things that we might have at home we can avoid the sun’s rays.

One of my favorites is to use hats, dark glasses, or even umbrellas with black cloth because this type of umbrellas prevents the sun from entering as much as possible avoiding damaging your skin, look close photos of the singer when she is outdoors, and you will see she is always wearing dark glasses. Say goodbye to all those expensive treatments with this simple secret that, thanks to Jennifer Lopez.

Even if you do not see the results right away if you are constant and disciplined you can have perfect skin as well as JLO. Taking care of our skin can mean a sacrifice, but if we do, we will see the results of perfect skin and health and everything we did will be worth it.

Hey! Do not forget to drink a glass of this ¨healthy skin¨ smoothie once a week: You need one carrot, a glass of coconut milk and two thin ginger slices. Just blend all the ingredients in a blender and sweet with a little bit of honey if you want, do not forget to add some papaya powder, like ¼ of a teaspoon. And drink 30 minutes before your breakfast. Tomorrow I will post a amazing new years smoothie.

Bye Bye 2016!

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